When we finally got back home, she slept soundly. Learning about and getting used to her took time. When we finally got the hang of it, it was time for her to start having solids. But we just started the feed her milk.
...and then she started to cry. She wouldn't go to sleep at night but during the day she'll refuse to get up. She loves to drink water, but refuses to have milk from a bottle. She loves noodles but not so much fond with rice...the typical Asian food.
...and then it was time for her to be toilet trained. She needed to be trained for a few months. We were worried whether she'll be trained because she constantly had accidents and the numerous hours she sat on the thrown. However, she finally managed # 2...and then also managed # 1. So, the next challenge would be....I dunno?!

Today...well...and then she started her first day at school...preschool that is. Prior to registration, we took her to visit the environment a few times. She was shy on the first time. She was a little reluctant to play around the classroom. In the past few weeks, we started to tell her how nice it's at school. The closer it got, the more we brain washed her...er I mean educating her mind of the existence of school and what will happen and who she'll see and not see.
...and then she was, again taken away from use....I mean to our surprise she stayed on her own and again without a tear in her eyes. Well...I wonder what she'll tell us tonight. I wonder how she'll cope with having more of her peers around her? I wonder how she'll be treated? I wonder how she'll react when isn't able to communicate with her peers in her native language?
...hmmm, I just wonder.