Sunday, January 15, 2006

Let me be reminded...

It's been 8 months since I first heard of the diagnosis of my daughter. We were told her heart is full of complications. From then on, it's been a bumpy ride all along. Today, I looked back during the sermon by Pastor Kwok, I see that God is constantly reminding me. This is good for I know that I will moderately and slowly forget His grace on us.

The sermon talked about the thorn that Paul, the apostle, had during his ministry. Three times he prayed to have it removed. Instead, he was told him to God's power will be perfect in weakness and most of all that His grace is sufficient to us. Pastor Kwok also mentioned his co-worker in Christ. This co-worker used to hold a high position in a well known bank locally and also actively involved in church ministry. He was diagnosed with cancer in his intestines. During the whole process of treatments, he learnt to be completely dependant on God. Also, another co-worker in youth ministry was mentioned. This co-worker is a diabetic and heavily relied on medication. To Pastor Kwok's surprise, this co-worker never grumbled nor protested about his unhealthy body with God. In turn he thanked God for reminding him that he needs to slow down in his life.

May this sermon serve as another reminder that God has been gracious all these months. Let this be a reminder to me that in the many more months ahead, I will continue to fully commit to be dependant on God. Life is full of surprises and one would never know when the next one is ready to catch us of guard. Even if we encounter one of these surprises that is so unwelcomed, we must face them with courage. Who knows...maybe it serves as a reminder for us that we need to reconsider our position? Maybe, we need to stop what we're doing and search for dependancy. Finally, maybe we need to just seize with the speed we're going at and rest our body and listen to what the Creator has to say to us.

While the enjoyment of life may just overshadow us with all the things we've toiled for, we must also remember where they've originated. It could be an endangerment to indulgement when we fail to see that success will sometimes lead us too. Lest we forget, for success will sometimes lead us to think that it's with our own hands that we have strived and with no assistance. Ponder on the fact, if we haven't the knowledge, how could we have succeeded? And just where did knowledge come from? Education is the basis for knowledge. So, who is it that designed it?

This may have dragged too far. Just let me be constantly reminded. This thorn in me will keep my mind hopeful that the power of God is made perfect in my weakness and that the grace given is far more than what I've expected.

Friday, January 13, 2006

My 2 cents thoughts...


It's already 2006. Technology and times have changed and so has my thinking. Well, this is my first time hosting a blog. I've convinced myself to start blogging my thoughts. So, here I'm blogging my way all over cyber space. Any comments are welcome on any future blogs and as well as on this one. Don't think anyone would comment on this blog though.

I just mentioned technology and times have changed. Throughout the years, I've been witnessing many changes just around world of technology. Just over 10 years ago, I owned my very first computer. Now, I don't even know where it's buried. Currently, I have my desktop, outlived a few mobile phones, have two television sets, two vcr's, 2 dvd machines, a digital camera, an mp3 player, and my Brother-in-law's PS2 is sitting under my tv. How about 10 years from now? What will I posses then? Can't imagine what technology will evolve into. Heck, maybe my house will have a computer furnance in the basement controlling most electronics around the house.

For the time being, I'll just focus on building up my patience in raising my daughter who's just less than 3 months old. Many parents have told me that babies tend to start being stable at month 3 or 4. I'm praying that she will continue to sleep till the morning from now on. She started to do so a few days ago.

I'm a person who enjoys watching good television series. Movies is also another one of favourites. Tell me what kind of films you've seen recently and lets start chatting about them, but I've probably not seen as many as you may have. This shouldn't stop you from chatting about it.

Hope I didn't set some kind of tone here. We could discuss anything. So, come on and fire away.